
Superannuation is likely to become one of your biggest financial assets, if not the biggest by the time you retire. It is concerning that most people don't know the details of their super or how much they will need to retire. If this sounds like you, then it is time to take control of your retirement savings.

Making small changes to how you invest your super today could make a significant difference to your future retirement lifestyle.

At Abundant, we can help you take control of your super by:

  • Showing you how to optimise the long term tax benefits that come along with superannuation.

  • Giving you tax effective contribution planning strategies including salary sacrifice, spouse optimisation strategies and tax deductible contributions.

  • Considering capital gains tax minimisation strategies using unique superannuation contribution strategies.

  • Understanding your asset allocation strategy and aligning yours with retirement goals, strategy and time horizon.

  • Minimising unnecessary fees and feeling like you superannuation strategy is providing you value for money.

  • Aligning your superannuation investments with your personal values. This may include ensuring your money is not invested in things you may deem unethical.